Emeritus Membership
Emeritus status is an honor that may be conferred upon an Altrusan who can no longer contribute actively due to debilitating health or other restrictions which limit the Altrusan’s activities. The local Club with the approval of the District Board of Directors bestows this honor upon the Altrusan.
Altrusans who become eligible for Emeritus status are those who have been in good standing within the current or previous Club year, who have been members of International for at least ten (10) years and meet the qualifications set forth in International Bylaw Article IV, Section 3(a):
Emeritus Members
(a) Emeritus members are those Active members who are no longer able to contribute actively to the Club because of health or other restrictions which limit their activity, provided:
i. They have been members in good standing within the current or the previous Club year;
ii. They have been members of International for ten (10) years;
iii. They are, through great service to Altrusa and devotion to its Principles, deserving of the honor; and
iv. The Board of Directors of the Club and the District Board of Directors approve such change in status.
A Club should forward the request for approval of Emeritus status to the District Governor detailing the member’s qualifications for that status. The District Governor will expedite the request for action at the next District Board meeting. The District is encouraged to recognize Emeritus members through its publications and/or at District Conference.
A member shall be returned to Active status upon notification to the Club that the member is again, able to participate as an Active member.
If an Emeritus member’s Club disbands, the Emeritus member may remain an Emeritus member of the District in which the disbanded Club was located, and may purchase such services as the member elects or may choose to become an Affiliate member and pay International dues and District dues (if within a District).
Altrusa Club | Members (as of 6-1-2023) |
Anderson Co | Letha King |
Anderson Co | Lucy Holt |
Anderson Co | Patsy Bush |
Anderson Co | Billie Covey |
Anderson Co | Shirley M. Williamson |
Arlington | Loesje Blumberg |
Dallas | Valeta F Gentzler |
Garland | Brenda Gardner |
Garland | Sue Floyd |
Garland | Mary Helen Vollmer |
Garland | Mable M Usrey |
Garland | Mina Ray |
Greenville | Judy Weaks |
Houston | Connie Riddle |
Houston | Janet Hadden |
Houston | Anna E Horn |
Houston | Lois L Good |
Lubbock | Brenda J Diggs |
Lubbock | Carolyn Jones |
Lubbock | Mollie Spain |
Lubbock | Rebecca Vickers |
Pampa | Louise Bailey |
Richardson | Barbara O'Dell |
Richardson | Bonnie Perry |
Richardson | Sandy Martin |
Richardson | Mimi Tanner |
San Antonio | Elizabeth A Pilgrim |
San Antonio | Gerleine A. Schoonover |
San Antonio | Johnnie M Gregg |
San Antono | Maxine Cadena |
SWDC | Louise Boucher |
Texarkana | Bennie Estelle |
Waco | Mary Lanier |