Building Altrusa!

Current Clubs in Formation





The regular meetings of the Altrusa International of Downtown Fort Worth, in formation, are on the second Fridays of the month, noon, at the University of Texas Arlington (UTA) – Fort Worth Campus,  1401 Jones Street, Ft Worth. 
For more information or to refer a friend or relative to be contacted, contact Linda McCalla at




The New Club Building Team is currently looking at developing new Altrusa clubs in these areas of Texas:
*Corsicana                     * Waxahachie, 
 *Wichita Falls    and * College Station.
  If you are interested in helping charter a new club in one of these areas, please contact a member of the New Club Building Team.
New Club Dues Structure
The local, District and International dues for new members depend
on their age and the time of year that they join a club.
For more information, contact the New Club Building Team.
Pre-FLE Huddle For New Clubs
At the Fall Leadership Event (FLE) held Nov 2, 2024, the New Club Building Team held a "Pre-FLE Huddle" one hour before the main event just for the members of the three new clubs in District Nine.  This was designed to help our newest clubs, and those in formation, with getting their clubs going.  We are pleased to share the handouts that were part of the presentation, or the "Coaches Playbook."  Please download these documents from the links below:
Where to Find it - handout on where to find information from International and District
Impact Statement - 2023-2024 showing the impact of our service
Brochure - designed to help with new member recruitment
“The Blitz” - What is your club’s playbook?"  -  powerpoint presentation on Club Policies by Mary Powlen, District Secretary.
"First & 10 Do It Again!”: Keeping your meetings streamlined – by Debbie Mabry, New Club Building team
Handouts include: Using Agendas effectively
                                 Key points to remember about Parliamentary Procedure
“Making the Extra Point” - New club funding –by Linda Hurt, 1st Vice Governor, and Laurie Bruner, District Fundraising Team.
Handouts include: Fundraising Ideas for small clubs with few members
                                 Applying for Grants from International