Altrusa International Kindness Challenge
Altrusans R.O.C.K. – Realize Opportunity, Create Kindness
During the 2023-2025 biennium, President Linda is issuing a challenge to each Altrusan to create one intentional act of kindness each week. Report the number of acts completed on this page in the report below.
At the 2021 Convention, Wyatt gave all attendees a kindness star. Since that time he has sent me a box of stars that I intentionally share to brighten others days. Some have gone to area universities while others have been left in intentional places for others to find. If Wyatt can share kindness through his stars, why can’t we as Altrusans also be intentional in sharing kindness in our communities? We are not setting any guidelines on what types of acts of kindness each member does – that’s up to you. But we want you to be intentional about it. Each week decide what you will do to brighten someone’s day and then do it!
If our members will all participate, we will achieve more than 300,000 international acts of kindness in each year of the biennium. And think what a difference that will make in our communities!