eMembership is not a new or different classification of membership in Altrusa, but simply describes HOW an active member connects with their club - electronically. eMembership in a club will allow a member who might otherwise have to leave Altrusa the option of being an active Altrusan in either their original club, or another hybrid club.
The purpose of eMembership is to be flexible and allow a member to participate in a club electronically rather than in person if:
1) they move to another area without a club and want to continue to be active in their original club,
2) they are a member of a club that disbands but they do not want to give up membership in Altrusa,
3) they are no longer able to remain in their original club and need to change to another club,
4) they wants to be a dual member in a hybrid club and want to attend the meetings of the non-primary club electronically.. 
eMembership is not virtual membership as the member can participate in person with the club as time and travel allows.
Virtual club(Club Bylaws: Article 1. Name, Section 2. Virtual Clubs): A virtual club refers to a group of individuals who work together from different locations and interact using technology or other methods of electronic communication and are committed to the principles and purposes of Altrusa. By its very nature, members of a virtual club communicate through regularly scheduled meetings and may never have a face-to-face communication.
Hybrid club – a club who meets, conducts business, and performs service in person and has an electronic option for member participation.
Traditional club – a club who meets, conducts business, and performs service only in person.
eMember – a member of a hybrid club that participates electronically and, when able, in person.
Virtual member – a member of a virtual club