6:30a - 7:15a | Rise & Shine Walk (meet at the downstairs outdoor patio for walk) |
7:00a - 8:30a | Registration & Credentials Open |
8:00a - 9:00a | District Service Breakfast (Ballroom F) |
| “Where Altrusa Shines” |
| Welcome Remarks - Frances Dalbey |
| Grace - Frances Dalbey |
| Speaker Introduction - Mary Black Pearson |
| “One Book at a Time” Storytime - Frances Dalbey & Kimberly Kierce |
| Award Presentations - Kathleen Smith & Guadalupe Carvajal |
| *Mamie L. Bass Service Award & |
| *Letha H. Brown Literacy Award |
| “One Book at a Time” Update - Kimberly Kierce |
| Announcements - Chris Tolbert |
9:00a - 9:30a | Break (Visit our Vendors) |
9:00a | Vendor Booths Opens |
9:30a - 10:30a | Business Session (Ballroom E) |
| Call to Order - Mary Black Pearson |
| Welcome & Introductions - Mary Black Pearson |
| Registration Report - Kelli Alsup |
| Credentials Report - Sheryl King |
| Introduction of International Rep. - Shirley Raymer |
| Report from International - Lisa Boyd, Int’l Director |
| Response to International - Linda Moore |
| Request for Nominations - Mary Black Pearson |
| Announcements - Chris Tolbert |
| "Bust Your Signature Moves" |
11:45a - 12:15p | Voting (Ames Room) |
12:30p - 2:00p | ASTRA & Membership Luncheon (Ballroom F) |
| Welcome - Sylvia Zamora |
| Collect - Laure Bruner |
| Introduction of Head Table - Sylvia Zamora |
| ASTRA Presentation - Panel discussion |
| ASTRA Scholarship Presentation - Traci Squarcette |
| ASTRA Service Award Presentation - Sylvia Zamora |
| Membership Presentations - Debbie Mabry & Sharon Tramonte |
| *Joella T. Butler Membership Awards |
| & Members Sponsorship Awards |
| Sue R. Powell Perfect Attendance Awards - Hope LaGrone |
| Tribute to Sue Powell - Betty Lawson |
| Announcements - Chris Tolbert |
2:00p - 2:15p | Break (Visit our Vendors) |
2:15p - 4:00p | Saturday General Sessions (Ballroom E) |
2:15p | Voting Results Announced - Mary Black Pearson |
2:15p - 3:15p | Families in Crisis Purpose & Impact |
| Introduction of Speaker - Frances Dalbey |
| Service Project for “Families In Crisis, Inc.”- Frances Dalbey |
| Families In Crisis, Inc. Purpose & Impact - Suzanne Armour & Maria Carmona |
3:15p - 3:30p | Break (Visit our Vendors) |
3:30p - 4:00p | “Getting Business Done as Altrusans” - Panel discussion |
| FAQ about Money, Rules & Tax Filings |
4:00p | Foundation Reminder – Silent Auction - Amanda Purdy |
5:00p | Vendor Booths Close |
5:00p | Silent Auction Bidding Closes |
5:30p | Live Auction Bidding Opens |
5:30p - 6:50p | Club Group Photos (Foyer area near Registration desk) |
6:50p | Line-up for Past Governors and District Nine Board |
7:00p - 10:00p | Saturday Governor’s Banquet (Ballroom F) |
| “Sharing our Gifts” |
| Introduction of Board Members - Mary Black Pearson |
| Recognition of Club Presidents (Please stand and remain standing) |
| Presidents 2019-2020 |
| Presidents 2020-2021 |
| Presidents 2021-2022 |
| Blessing - Shirley Raymer |
| International Foundation - Amanda Purdy |
| “Many Ways to Give” |
| Foundation Awards - Shirley Raymer & Amanda Purdy |
| *Linda Nichols Foundation Contribution Awards |
| *Altrusa International Foundation, Inc. Recognitions |
| Awards Presentation - Guadalupe Carvajal & Kathleen Smith |
| *Dr Nina Fay Calhoun Int’l Rel. |
| Introduction of Speaker - Sherri Woytek |
| “Graciously Giving our Gifts” - Dr. Patsy Sulak |
| Response to Speaker - Mary Black Pearson |
| Last Chance to Give - Amanda Purdy |
| Closing Remarks - Mary Black Pearson |
9:30p | Live Auction Bidding Closes |
| Announcements - Chris Tolbert |