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This is an exercise that encourages Altrusa District Nine Clubs to collaborate on their Altrusa Brand and share the Altrusa message with others.
This exercise was designed by the Membership Acceleration Brand Team to help District Nine Altrusans and clubs understand the Altrusa brand and how the brand drivers of flexibility, inclusion and clarity can strengthen the brand within their communities.   Once club members have completed this exercise, responses will be anonymized, and shared with the club to be discussed among the club membership to assist in setting and achieving club membership goals.
A brand is a mental association that a person develops based on experiences.  Altrusa’s brand is determined by an individual’s experience with an Altrusa club as well as with Altrusans.  These experiences center on five elements that characterize Altrusa clubs everywhere:
  1. Service
  2. Community
  3. Leadership
  4. Fellowship
  5. International
Brand drivers shape and reinforce a brand experience.  They reflect the way an organization wants to be thought of.  For example, a restaurant may want to be thought of as a source of consistently good food with friendly service in a relaxing atmosphere.  It can use those drivers to reinforce the positive brand experience it is hoping its customers will have, and to attract more customers. Altrusa has three brand drivers to help us convey the essence of our brand: Inclusion * Flexibility * Clarity.  Altrusa clubs can use these to reinforce the brand experience we want our members to have and to attract new members.
FLEXIBILITY - Flexibility is intentionally building variety into an organization’s infrastructure.  It is the opposite of rigid. Flexibility accommodates people across the spectrum of individual circumstances and supports efforts to be inclusive. 
INCLUSION - Inclusion is making everybody feel so welcome to join in, they actually do join in! It is the opposite of exclusion, being left out.  Inclusion is more than just an invitation to the dance, it’s asking someone to dance. 
CLARITY - Clarity is a common understanding, the opposite of confusion, a reliably consistent experience. Clarity among Altrusans is crucial to communicating our brand in a consistent manner that leaves everyone with the same understanding of what Altrusa is and who we are.

For your club to use this brand driver successfully, all members should:
1. Recognize the Altrusa logo,
2. Know the Altrusa tag line,
3. Understand the five elements of the Altrusa brand,
4. Remember their personal experiences with each of these elements
Now that you have completed this exercise, what’s next?
1. Club member's responses will be anonymized and sent to the the club membership committee.
2. At a club meeting or other get together, responses should be shared as part of a collaborative discussion resulting in concrete actions.
3. These actions are incorporated into the club’s goals and calendar.